Sunnywood Apartments
Woodside, NY
Program: Building Renovation
Area: 56,000 sf
Status: Completed 2016; Canopy 2017
Sunnywood Apartments, built in 1981, is a 78-unit senior affordable housing project located in Woodside, NY. The owner, Woodysun Housing Development Fund Corporation, is an innovative partnership between Woodside on the Move and Sunnyside Community Services. In 2011, they refinanced the building allowing for a $1.4 million upgrading of apartments, common areas, terrace, walkways, and outdoor sitting areas. The ground plane has been reconfigured to include a new walkway with permeable pavers to limit water runoff. The lobby was widened and refinished to allow easier access and comfort. The public circulation areas, elevators and corridors, received a much needed facelift, and the seventh floor meeting room now has a new kitchenette, accessible bathrooms, and new storage units. The long closed terrace received new decking, with planters, a canopy, and new railings. Fifteen units were fully renovated to provide more enhanced accessible features. Every effort was made to emphasize sustainable features in the renovation.